available for commissions 2023

Essential Oils


From glossy brochures to images of flannel flares and flower power, essential oils have had a rough time of it image-wise over the last few decades. It’s time to put that right. - Simon Constantine 

This project explored the world of essential oils through a new contemporary printed publication.  This was following on from the last project around “Self-Preservation.” Where a global campaign was built out to celebrate the topic.

We commissioned illustrator Luisa Rivera and created series of illustrations that would sit in the printed publication, online and in-store I also worked with the team to create a series of retail windows and large scale installations this all became part of a 360 campaign. 

If you’d like to know more here’s an interview Luisa and I did with the AOI: theaoi.com/2018/05/04/an-interview-with-luisa-rivera-x-lush/ Check out the digital hub at: essential-oils.lush.com/en
